Prof Luis Frenández-Vega, medical director of the Institute, Mr Álvaro Fernández-Vega, deputy chief medical officer, and Dr José F. Alfonso Sánchez, coordinator of clinical research and head of the Cornea, Crystalline and Refractive Surgery Unit at the Institute, will participate in the “XXI Pan-American Congress of Ophthalmology” of the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology (PAAO) and the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology (SEO, in Spanish).
Specifically, Prof Luis Fernández-Vega will present the communications “Intercambio de lentes intraoculares” (Intraocular Lens Exchange), “Óptica y diseño de las lentes multifocales difractivas” (Optics and Design of Diffractive Multifocal Lenses) and “Capsulotomía anterior con láser de Femtosegundo” (Femtosecond Laser Anterior Capsulotomy). He will also coordinate the module “Facoemulsificación y emetropía” (Phacoemulsification and Emmetropia).
Mr Álvaro Fernández-Vega will present “Mácula en cúpula” (Dome-shaped Macula) and Dr José F. Alfonso Sánchez will coordinate “Queratoplastias” (Keratoplasties) as well as present “Queratoplastia protegida por pseudocámara” (Pseudochamber protected Keratoplasty), “Fenotipo de queratocono para implante de anillos intracorneales” (Keratoconus phenotype for intracorneal ring implantation) and “Cataratas en lentes epicapsulares de colámero” (Cataracts in Epicapsular Collamer Lenses).
This professional meeting will take place at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones in Santiago de Compostela on April 26 and 27; it will gather close to seven hundred European and American experts to exchange scientific and technological advances, as well as to update their knowledge.