The Fernández-Vega Ophthalmological Institute (IOFV), with two headquarters in Oviedo and another in Madrid, has been in national and international benchmark for 135 years and five generations. This is largely due to its objective to permanently improve in all its areas: clinic, surgery, research and teaching.
The centre offers to the more than 100,000 patients that it receives each year, excellent service, guaranteed by the technological advances that it has applied, as well as by the constant revision that it undertakes of the quality and security of its medical and surgical procedures, and above all of its staff´s professionalism and experience.

For the patient, it is an advantage to be able to enjoy, in the same centre, allthe ophthalmologic expertise and most advanced technical methods. In this way, all the necessary tests are carried out in order for the doctor to determine the diagnosis during a single appointment and to apply the most adequate and personalised service for the complaint observed.


The history of the Fernández-Vega Ophthalmologic Institute goes back to 1886 with the family´s first ophthalmologist, Dr. Adolfo Fernández-Vega.

That was more than 130 years ago.  Now the fourth generation of opticians, and soon the fifth, continues the saga by delivering the best ophthalmology for its patients.


In addition to its devotion to research, it also undertakes teaching and training in ophthalmology and vision sciences. In 2015, the FIO joined efforts with the Universidad de Oviedo, giving place to the Instituto Universitario Fernández-Vega (IUFV), in which several post-graduate programs are offered as well as masters and doctorates, which better allow specialists to keep up to date with the latest advances in medicine.

​El Dr. Jesús Merayo, Director de la Fundación de Investigación Oftalmológica, con parte del equipo investigador.



The research endeavour performed by FIO has as its main goal, the advancing insight into the bases of diseases that cause blindness and alterations of vision in order to achieve new measures and steps in the prevention, diagnosis and medical-surgical treatment. The FIOproceeds in four research lines: ocular surface; neurobiology of the retina; ocular genetics and clinical research, while its projects allow for the results obtained in the laboratory to be transferred to the patient quickly, thereby contributing to people’s improved health.


Fundación Fernández-Vega today amalgamates the traditional social role, with the patronage that the family has always been committed to with the mission of facilitating access to ophthalmological assistanceto disadvantaged persons and demographics.

The duty performed by the Foundation is made possible by the work of professionals and the resources made available by Instituto Oftalmológico Fernández-Vega alongside other institutions and cooperating bodies.

​Dª Victoria Cueto-Felgueroso, Directora de la Fundación Fernández-Vega, con los niños de la Prefectura de Monseñor Enrique Figaredo en Camboya.


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