The Institute has already implanted more than 3000 ICL successfully
The Institute has already implanted more than 3000 ICL lenses, and is therefore member of the “ICL 3.000 Club” of Visian ICL, one of the brands of advanced intraocular lenses used in the operating theatres at the Institute. They are specifically used in refractive surgery and are placed on the crystalline to solve the refractive errors of the eye like myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism so that patients obtain a good vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses.
Staar Surgical, who has presented the award to the Institute, is the company that manufactures these lenses; it is also leader in this segment of eye surgery as its lenses provide a high quality vision without the need to follow any special treatment after surgery. Like this, patients can permanently correct their vision defects and enjoy satisfactory outcomes.
A survey carried out by Staar Surgical to 4000 patients who had undergone ICL surgery has demonstrated that 95% of them see the same as or better than with glasses or contact lenses.