ICL lenses belong to the group known as phakic lenses, which are lenses that are introduced into the eye without removing the lens. But what do we mean when we talk about ICL? This acronym literally means Implantable Collar Lenses, and refers to intraocular lenses used in refractive surgery.


The operation of these lenses is as follows: just as there is a contact lens that is placed outside the eye, i.e. above the cornea, in order to correct defects such as myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism, there are other lenses, ICL, which are placed inside the eye, above the lens.

When the cataract is operated on, what is usually done is to remove the lens and insert an artificial lens. With the ICL lenses, no structure is removed and the lens is simply placed on top. This technique allows correcting all prescription defects to be corrected while preserving the two structures for the future.

This is a technique different to that of the excimer laser in that it removes layers of the cornea´s structure, or to lens surgery in that it replaces the lens.


Nowadays, any prescription defect in glasses can be corrected with ICL lenses. It is only necessary to do some previous studies to analyse if the segment in which they would be placed has the ideal conditions since not all patients have enough space in that part of the eye to take the lens, although it must be said that in the majority of patients, it can be performed.

It is also necessary to comment to the patients that the placement of ICL lenses does not mean that their refractive defect has been corrected forever. Myopia, for example, may increase over time, so it is very common to make periodic revisions after ICL lenses have been fitted in order to see how it evolves. If it evolves, it can be corrected at the level of the cornea using the excimer laser, replacing the lens itself through minimally invasive surgery.

Watch the following video to find out about the experience of one of our patients, the well-known Austrian cook, Marcos Morán (Casa Gerardo restaurant). Marcos has had ICL lenses implanted and in this video, he explains how it has changed his life.

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