
At Príncipe de Vergara 131, the patients will continue to receive the traditional care that characterises the Instituto Oftalmológico Fernández-Vega in nearly 1 000 m2

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We had outgrown it. What started seven years ago at Plaza del Marqués de Salamanca 9, in Madrid, to facilitate check-ups and first explorations to potential patients of the Institute in Oviedo, has grown so much that, to be able to keep up the quality and trustworthiness standards, we need bigger facilities in which we can also take into account comfort.

Thus, foreseeably, during the first days of autumn, the current clinical practice located at Marqués de Salamanca has been transfered to Príncipe de Vergara 131, where the patients will continue to receive the traditional care that characterises the Instituto Oftalmológico Fernández-Vega in nearly 1 000 m2


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